Thursday, December 20, 2007

When to eat after a Tummy Tuck procedure?

Recent study in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal discussed when patients can resume eating after having a tummy tuck procedure. In the past, plastic surgeons waited for the resumption of bowel sounds before allowing the patient to eat after surgery. This may all become an antiquate practice. In the study, patients who ate food immediately after a tummy tuck procedure had no increased risk of nausea or vomiting compared to those who waited. Therefore, it appears that there is no increased danger to eating immediately after surgery.

The implications of this study are that the IV can be discontinued sooner and patients can be discharged home quicker than in the past. This will decrease cost to patients and allow them to return to the comforts of their homes faster. However, if the IV is discontinued, the patient must commit to keep hydrated by drinking enough fluids.

Dr. Michael Omidi of relates that many surgeons are already feeding patients quicker after tummy tuck surgery and this study supports the safety of this approach. “Our view is that if we can improve patient comfort while maintaining patient safety, then we are on the right path.”

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What Is The Difference Between Los Angeles Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

With the increasing acceptance of plastic surgery, the differences between these cosmetic procedures, especially Liposuction and tummy tuck, may not be fully understood. We’ll discuss the differences below. The main difference is that with the “Technique” there is always the focus on scar minimization

A Los Angeles tummy tuck, also known as Los Angeles abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure to eliminate excess skin and fat from the lower and middle abdomen and tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The procedure is intended to dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen.

A protruding abdomen can be caused by excess fat, weak abdominal muscles, heredity, loose skin or pregnancy that has resulted in an over-stretched abdomen that will not respond to diet and exercise. Increasingly, more people are noticing these problems, as health becomes part of their daily lives. For those having experienced massive weight loss, the only alternative to loose overhanging skin is plastic surgery.

The best contenders for a tummy tuck are men or women who are in relatively good shape but have a large fat or skin deposit around their abdomen that doesn't respond to exercise or diet. The surgery is also greatly beneficial to women who, through multiple pregnancies, have extended their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they may return to normal. Loss of skin elasticity in older patients, occurring frequently with slight obesity, can also be improved.


Liposuction, a procedure where localized fat deposits are removed to re-contour areas of the body is performed through a tiny incision where a narrow tube (cannula) is inserted through an incision and is used to vacuum the fat layer lying beneath the skin. The cannula is pushed through the fat layer resulting in a break up of the fat cells, so they may then be suctioned out.

Liposuction is best performed on specific areas of excess fat deposits, such as the "love handles" around the waist, and "saddle bags" on the thighs or extra padding in the hip area. Localized fat deposits are frequently resistant to diet and exercise. For this reason, liposuction is used to help achieve a smoother body contour.

The premium candidates for Los Angeles liposuction are average-weight men and women with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. Although age is not a major consideration, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not achieve the same results as a younger patient with more elasticity in their skin.

A person may request liposuction in the abdominal area; but after further investigation it may be determined that they actually require a Los Angeles tummy tuck to achieve their desired result. Sometimes a combination of both procedures may help them achieve their overall new look.

At, we have board certified plastic surgeons in Los Angeles, CA who excel in their field. We would be more than pleased to speak to you further about both procedures and to determine if you are a good candidate. Please contact us at 1-866-230-7100 for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

New Tummy Tuck Belly Button Technique

Many patients are unsatisfied with the appearance of their belly button after a tummy tuck. introduces a new procedure to Los Angeles meant to optimize the appearance of the belly button after a tummy tuck procedure. This procedure was discussed at the last Canadian Society for Aesthetic (Cosmetic) Plastic Surgery. After a tummy tuck, part of the belly button is recreated by the plastic surgeon. With this technique, all the stitching is done on the inside and the stitches dissolvable. This leads to a more desirable navel with a much more natural appearance.

The best candidates for this procedure are younger men and women who have undergone significant weight loss and desire a tummy tuck to get rid of excess skin and to obtain a better appearing navel. Also, women post-pregnancy can benefit to get a tighter looking abdomen and improved umbilicus. We encourage stopping smoking at least one month prior to the procedure.

The new tummy tuck belly button procedure and be combined with other procedures such as body contouring to liposuction, breast augmentation and breast lift.

Post treatment, patients clean the area with hydrogen peroxide and apply polysporin ointment for seven to 10 days. Results have generally been excellent. Complications to include infection and wound dehiscence (wound opening) are rare with this procedure.

For more information of this new Tummy Tuck technique visit :

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Choosing the Right Los Angeles Breast Augmentation or Breast Implants Procedure

Los Angeles breast augmentation commonly known as Los Angeles Breast Implants is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in Southern California? Your final choice of the type of breast implants that is right for you depends upon a frank discussion with your board certified cosmetic surgeon. At, our cosmetic surgeons are board certified in plastic surgery, experienced and passionate about their craft. The “technique” focuses on natural results and scar minimization.

Considering breast augmentation? Your final choice of the type of breast implants that is right for you depends upon a frank discussion with your board certified cosmetic surgeon who will work with you to determine the type of implant that is best for your body. Your decision can take into account several factors:

· The size of your natural breasts and the size you would like to be
· The shape of your natural breasts
· The elasticity and condition of your skin
· The type of implant
· The position of the implant
· Your surgeon's incision choices

Let's take a look at the different types of breast augmentation procedures:

Saline Implants:
Most of today's breast augmentation procedures use implants filled with saline, or salt water, and available in either a round or teardrop shape. The round saline implants are placed under the pectoral or sub-pectoral muscle. The teardrop shaped implants are most commonly placed on top of the muscle, beneath breast tissue ("sub-glandular"). This placement usually creates more cleavage because the implants are placed closer to the midline, or center of the chest area. Also, they are not as likely to bring about the type of unwanted breast movement that can occur as you flex the pectoral muscles. Your choice of implant placement depends largely on your cosmetic surgeon's and your preference for the ideal breast shape.

When choosing a saline implant, you have a choice of the smooth or textured type. Textured saline implants encourage tissue adherence and reduce capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is a common complication where the connective tissue that normally forms around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant. Although more expensive, some saline implants are expandable, allowing for further enlargement with additional saline if the patient should decide after surgery that the shape is not full enough.

Silicone Gel Implants:
Silicone implants have been in use since 1964. The materials used in these implants came under scrutiny when media reports of silicone leakage into the body caused the FDA to restrict use of silicone implants to reconstructive rather than cosmetic work. There were claims that the silicone gel contributed to autoimmune diseases and cancer. However, during 14 years of intensive and extensive study, not basis was found for any such claim. In 2006, the FDA approved the implants of two California manufacturers, Allergan and Mentor, for safe use in breast augmentation for women.

What's changed from the original silicone implants?

The gels retain its shape even if the shell ruptures. That means it doesn't leak into the body. Even if it did, the previous panic about harm caused by silicone gel was unfounded. This gel is made from silicon, which is the second most common element on earth, after oxygen. It's used in hundreds of common household products such as hair spray, dish detergent, cleaning products and hand lotion. Our bodies are all well used to it.

Here are a few other differences between silicone and saline implants:

· Saline implants produce a warmer-feeling breast on cold days
· Silicone gel implants are cooler to the touch but have a more natural, 'real breast tissue' feel some women and cosmetic surgeons prefer
· Saline implants seem to show more wrinkles than silicone gel implants
· Silicone gel implants develop more firmness but have a higher incidence of capsular contracture

As with all surgical procedures, your cosmetic surgeon and his professional team are your most important resource for the latest information and advanced technologies. For Los Angeles breast implants, be sure you choose a board certified cosmetic surgeon. At Top , we have plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery in the greater Los Angeles area that excel in their field.

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Can Saline Breast Implants be Overfilled?

A recent study in Aesthetic Surgery Journal has shown that saline breast implants can be filled safely far more that the manufacturer’s recommended volume. In the study, saline breast implants that were filled over 50% above the manufacturer’s recommended volume were considered firm and those breast implants filled 50 percent below manufacturer's recommended volume were considered soft. Overfilling did not affect the shell mechanical properties, shell toughness or strength and shell elasticity was not affected.

Dr. Michael Omidi, M.D., Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at relates that it is common practice for many plastic surgeons to slightly overfill saline breast implants if necessary. “Though slight overfilling can be done, as patient safety is paramount, in our consult, we discuss the exact size of breast implants to ensure the best possible outcome and a happy patient.”

Disclaimer: This blog or article is for information purpose only, and should not be treated a professional advise or price protection guarantee. This blog is mainly used for search engine optimization and other commercial purposes and it is advised that readers seek professional consultation in the field of interest for more information.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Lap Band - Risk preventive methods:

For millions of Americans, being overweight is more than just a problem of carrying around a few excess pounds which can be reduced by Los Angeles Lap Band. For this population, being overweight is a significant hindrance to living a normal life, and is a risk factor for serious health problems. This condition is known as morbid obesity.

If you drink alcohol, you should limit your consumption for general health reasons, but also because alcohol has a surprisingly high amount of calories, and is absorbed directly through the stomach wall. The dietary modification and concurrent weight loss actually helps lower your blood cholesterol and triglycerides and can even reverse diabetes. If you diligently stick to a long-term regimen prescribed by your doctor, you will be pleasantly surprised at the results you will achieve through plastice surgery Los Angeles.

Lap Band surgery is a kind of weight loss surgery like gastric bypass alters the anatomyOf the stomach to help curtail food intake.

What is a Lap Band?

Lap Band system is the Brand name of the FDA approved adjustable gastric band used inthe procedure. Lap Band is a silicone girdle that goes around the top of the stomach.This results in the ability to control your hunger and achieve a feeling of fullness orsatiety. Ultimately you eat much less and should feel full sooner.

The conditions, in general, include diabetes, hyper tension, and high cholesterol. But if your mass band is more than 40, it is not required that there be any associated medical problems.

The band is fitted around the uppermost part of the stomach forming the 15 cc smallpouch. It is designed so that it can be inflated or deflated at any time after the operation.This helps patient continually lose weight until they reach their goals. This simpleprocedure is painless. They inject saline into a port placed under the skin in the wall of the stomach.. No cutting of the stomach, no stapling of the stomach, calibrated pouch and stomach size and be adjusted to patient’s needs, with no operation to adjust the stomach, laparoscopic removal possible, short hospital stay.

The band can spontaneously deflate because of leakage of blood. The oozing of blood can come from the band, the reservoir or the tubing that connects them. Slippage of band can occur as you lose.implantable device consisting of an inflatable band (a silicone ring), .which fits around the upper part of the stomach.

Contact Beverly Hills Plastic surgery Lap Band Los Angeles ( to know more for further details..